+258-21 72 02 53 / +258 84 454 6794

Mon - Fri : 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Mrs. Dorina Chamboco Magomb

Home-Mrs. Dorina Chamboco Magomb
Southern College, Matola

Mrs. Dorina Chamboco Magombe

Thank you for showing an interest in our school.

“It was with great excitement and enthusiasm that we opened the doors to our first pupils at Southern college these past few years. As a team we are committed to building a school that is the local school of choice for Cidade Matola residents and the surrounding area. We are dedicated to delivering an exciting and enriching curriculum to all of our pupils. I look forward to welcoming our new pupils through the door and ensuring we grow with them and continue on this fantastic voyage together. We look forward to growing learners of the future as our school grows too.”

“We are a team”

  • Category:School Administrator (a B.E.D, holder) Southern College